Letter to the Editor: Lives Will Be Saved by Banning Efficient Killing Machines 


I must respond to the recent article “Local Gun Store Owners Share Concerns…”

I was elated to hear that new gun control legislation may finally be passed in Washington state. Although it comes way too late, it is a start. Gun violence is now the number one killer of children in our country — an unacceptable and horrendous fact.

In the article, gun shop owner Pannkuk states if the legislation passes, “we don’t have any way to protect ourselves.” 

I want to know, protect ourselves from what? We are not in a war, and there’s no zombie apocalypse that I know of. In my 60-some years, I have never needed a gun for protection or know of anyone who needed one. If you feel the need, buy a handgun, learn how to use it and keep it securely locked up. 

The new laws will not take away your rights to protect yourself, hunt or target practice. What it will do is start to control the sale and supply of lethal weapons designed only for killing many people quickly. These kinds of military-style weapons should never have been accessible to the general public.

Pannkuk also states that the core of the problem of mass shootings is mental health. I would agree with that, but there always have been and always will be those who suffer from mental breakdowns. The difference is now those people have easy access to lethal weapons.

Take away the efficient killing machines and lives will be saved.


L. Hawthorne
