Letter to the Editor: Local Union Workers Would Be Best for Wind Project


Contrary to Mr. Guy’s Letter from the June 20 edition of The Chronicle, union workers are fully equipped and highly trained to do the local wind turbine project. The Centralia steam plant was built and maintained by union works all the last 50 years. 

Bob Guenther has been instrumental in helping to elevate workers’ conditions for many years. He has a right to speak on behalf of workers. He has nothing to gain personally — not even money or votes as Mr. Guy suggested. 

What’s wrong with trying to make our country a better place to live? Good living wages can enhance a community’s living conditions in so many ways. Ask United Way of Lewis County what the donations from the steam plant’s employees have meant to all the causes they contribute to in Lewis County. 

And please, Mr. Guy, don’t pretend to worry about the dues union workers pay. The dues are more than offset by the pay and working conditions that allow our families to contribute, not take from our communities. 

Thankfully there are more positive folks, like Bob Guenther that give their time to elevate the conditions and enhance the opportunities for all workers. 


Brian Dow
