Letter to the Editor: MGP Is a Small Businesswoman With a Passion to Help Her Fellow Washingtonians


Southwest Washington has a unique set of needs. Because of that, we need a local representative who knows us. We need someone who lives and works in rural Southwest Washington daily — not another city dweller.

The cost of gas is harder for rural Americans because our workplaces and even grocery stores are farther from our homes. Small businesses are the backbone of our community, but running a small business in Washington is really tough.

Where we buy a home may depend on if there is reliable utility access in that home, further limiting our options for affordable housing. Access to medical care takes more time, gas and money because specialists are often in Olympia or further away.

Local voters have a choice this November: a small business owner from a rural area who knows the ins and outs of the struggles of rural Washingtonians, or an unemployed city dweller who doesn’t really understand what it’s like to live in rural America, let alone rural Washington.

Jamie Herrera Beutler understood our needs and obstacles, and so does Marie Gluesenkamp Perez. It was evident in the recent debate that Marie will take the necessary moderate and pragmatic approach, looking at each issue and vote on how it will affect rural Washingtonians. She won’t get caught up in inflammatory media stories to inform her decisions. She knows Washingtonians need help with inflation, child care and ensuring small businesses have a chance not just to survive, but thrive in our communities.

She’ll use critical thinking and listening to her constituents wants and needs to make her decisions.

I’m not willing to gamble my vote on someone who has their own agenda, someone who wants to use this position to support their own personal career goals, not for actually helping and serving local communities.

I am voting for Marie, a local small businesswoman with a passion to help her fellow Washingtonians.


Amber Boehm
