Letter to the editor: Park visitors should do their part to remove trash


My wife and I recently visited Schaefer County Park north of Centralia for a baptism of one of our church members in the river. I could not believe the condition of the garbage cans that are placed around the park. 

Every one of them was stuffed to the max with garbage and overflowing onto the ground. What a mess. 

I understand the county may be shorthanded of workers to come and empty these cans, and this was on a Sunday afternoon so this garbage may be an accumulation of two days because the county doesn't have workers at the park on the weekend. But what really gets me is, if these cans are overflowing and a mess, why can't the people using the park take their garbage home with them? 

These garbage cans are placed throughout the park for the convenience of the users of the park. If they are full, take your garbage home with you. Don't leave a mess and trash the park. Clean up after yourselves, 

We used to ride with the Backcountry Horsemen of Washington. They have a saying when riding in the woods and backcountry, "Leave no trace" that you had been there. In other words "if you pack it in, then pack it out."


Paul Gagquist 
