Letter to the Editor: People With Mobility Issues Deserve Better Sidewalks


As Lewis County experiences rapid population, this is a great time to better improve the Twin Cities’ sidewalks for those residents who have mobility issues. 

People who need to access sidewalks with mobility devices should be able to safely access their desired location with ease. I have noticed that various sidewalks around the Twin Cities lack safe access for them. Many riders that use their mobility devices have to ride in the streets to safely travel with their wheelchair, which in turn creates a hazard for drivers and pedestrians both.

We can avoid that hazard by investing in improvements for our sidewalks for mobility handicapped individuals. When our government improves sidewalk access to its disabled residents, it creates a full circle of opportunity for residents. By improving crosswalk and improving sidewalks, it makes the world better suitable for an ignored section of the community.

In addition, improved sidewalks would help get my customers into local businesses because greater access to local businesses can help handicapped customers be able to buy products, which adds profits to businesses that can create jobs for local citizens. 

The increased profits create a bigger tax base for our local economy. The county should be doing better to include everyone in their vision of a better Lewis County for all.

People with mobility issues deserve better sidewalks so they can have freedom to roam. Let’s get started on fixing our sidewalks for all.


Joshua Major
