Letter to the editor: Remove Biden from Washington state ballot for aiding enemies


The supreme court of Colorado decided to remove Donald Trump from the upcoming primary ballot. The decision was correct in compliance with provisions of the U.S. Constitution contained within section three of the 14th Amendment and solely dependent on the legal definition of “insurrection.”

The 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868, addressed several concerns in the aftermath of our Civil War, not insurrection only.

Using Colorado Supreme Court’s interpretation of section three, President Biden should be removed from Washington state’s ballot for giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States.

Stopping the Keystone oil pipeline and limiting oil and natural gas exploration and production greatly aided and continues to aid our enemies in the Mid East, South America and especially Russia. Delivering pallets of cash, dropping economic sanctions and releasing billions of dollars to Iran is giving both aid and comfort to our enemy. Abandoning billions of dollars’ worth in military equipment during the embarrassing departure from Afghanistan, that is being used against our Middle East military installations and embassy in Iraq, is giving aid to our enemies.

Allowing eight million illegal aliens to cross our southern border certainly aids our enemies by disrupting and dividing our society.

New York and Chicago are quite vocal about the social and economic degradation and disruption they are experiencing. It is merely a matter of time until all states suffer the same. That greatly comforts and aids America’s enemies.

These and many more obvious constitutional violations of the 14th Amendment article three, prompt me to call on Secretary of State Steve Hobbs to immediately remove President Biden from our upcoming primary ballot.

A better solution lies with the United States Supreme Court or a two-thirds vote of the House and Senate. My fervent desire is a 9-0 decision to repeal Colorado’s abhorrent supreme court’s 4-3 decision.


Gregory Riplinger
