Letter to the Editor: Republicans' Approach to Jan. 6 Ridiculous


Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy refuses to allow the Jan. 6 committee the approval and participation of the GOP. 

He forbids five Republicans, already appointed, to participate in the proceedings. He then uses his own actions to declare the entire investigation as an “egregious abuse of power,” by a “broken institution.” (In other words, we’re taking the ball and going home.)

Now to the heart of the matter:

Mike Pence picks up this cross on Fox Entertainment,* also invalidating the “partisan” committee — then goes one step beyond.

Pence is asked about impending Jan. 6 charges coming to roost on Trump’s head.

“You don’t believe that it should be a criminal case?”

Pence, a seasoned song and dance man, attempts to give us the vaguest possible answer and fails miserably.

“I would hope that they would not bring charges against the former president …The president’s actions and words on Jan. 6 were reckless but I don’t know that it’s criminal to take bad advice from lawyers.”

Well, there you have it in a NUTshell: “I hope and I don’t know.” 

The president gets an airtight defense from his closest compatriot by being lauded as a mindless idiot being led by crafty, inept and dishonest lawyers.

Well, you’ve got us there. We have to admit historically, we’ve seen a whole lot of our world’s leaders falling victim to bad legal advice — Adolf Hitler, PolPot, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, Vlad the Impaler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Manuel Noriega and the Sackler family, just to name a few.

Well done!

*(Fox’s lawyers prefer using the term “entertainment” when dealing with lawsuits against their fake “news.”)


Dennis Shain 
