Letter to the Editor: Republicans Right to Censure Pollock 


I have been reading the coverage and Opinion page items for the last couple of weeks and I can't believe the way many have been characterizing my party.

By Lewis County Commissioner Lindsey Pollock essentially calling us white nationalists, far-right extremists and Nazis, was that supposed to end discussion? Actually she played into the Democrat playbook perfectly — call anyone racist, a bigot, a homophobe or a transphobe, and the list goes on. What you are really saying is “shut up.” This type of intimidation works for many. Well, I am none of these and it's a pretty disgusting statement. 

Commissioner Pollock, I would like you to give us a definition of what a Nazi, white nationalist and a far-right extremist is. 

I think you owe it to the public and those you smeared to know exactly what your definitions are. You attacked those who were gathering signatures for Referendum 101 and Initiative 2081 a block away from the drag event. I would like to know what gives the drag queens more rights than the signature gatherers? You attacked Commissioner Sean Swope for using the word groomers. Question: Why would any adult man dress as an over-sexualized woman and sexually dance in front of children? Not too long ago, it was adults-only entertainment, and that's where it belongs. 

Why should parents have to explain these sorts of things to their kids? I think one of the most important things we can do as a society is to protect our children. Commissioner Pollock, you should be standing with the families and the kids that have to deal with this. This transgender movement is not a few people experimenting. It's a movement whose mission is to destroy our kids, families and society. 

I personally am proud of our Lewis County Republican Party executive board and the many precinct committee officers that are working tirelessly to keep our rural community a safe healthy place to raise our families. 

I stand behind the censure. I think it was more than appropriate when a fellow Republican attacks the party the way you did. I love this country and my community and believe it is a place worth saving.


Lauri Cown 
