Letter to the editor: Rodeo is a cruel ‘tradition’ 


Sadly, Chronicle writer Isabel Vander Stoep sees fit to celebrate the abusive “mutton busting” event at the recent Southwest Washington Fair Rodeo (“No children or sheep harmed in the making of fair rodeo mutton busting”). 

Thank you to Eric Mills for his letter today setting the record straight.

Rodeo is a cruel “tradition” that has no place in today's society. Animals, terrified by shouting crowds of people, are chased in an arena, roped or grappled by a lunging human and wrested or flipped to the ground, often injuring them.

Mutton busting, an event where children ride on sheep’s backs and cling to their necks, is especially egregious. Sheep are prey animals, and it is terrifying for them to be handled so roughly. Children are taught that animals are not sentient beings worthy of dignity, but “things” to be used for our pleasure.

True strength is using your power to protect and defend, not dominate and hurt others. Animals are not ours to use for entertainment.

Nearly every animal welfare organization on the planet condemns rodeo due to its inherent cruelty. Time to end the rodeo.


Karen Rubio

Los Gatos, California