Letter to the Editor: Support Centralia School Levy for a Stronger Community


My vote is “yes” for the Centralia School District’s replacement levy. In the 50-plus years I have resided in Centralia, I have always chosen to support with my taxes the children and staff who make up the school system here. 

The levy funds some of the vital support systems which are essential to enhance the basic “three R's” in school districts throughout Washington state. It is our community's commitment, along with all other Washington state school districts, to match the state's education levy dollars.

I have worked, lived and reared my family here. I am a mother, a grandmother and a senior citizen. I served for 12 years on the Centralia School Board. School boards are a vital link between the public and the school system. We all recognize that a good school system is the foundation of a strong and growing community. I see Centralia as that community. Our children attended the schools in Centralia, graduated college and now are leading successful lives.

The children who attend the schools in the Centralia district are just now experiencing normality after over two years of isolation and instability due to the pandemic. Our schools are now a safe and stable factor in those children's lives. They are learning new skills.

Some are receiving much-needed counseling. Some are participating in the arts, sports, clubs and other activities. Some are receiving extra tutoring help to catch up on the learning they missed in the two years while not physically in the classrooms. They are experiencing successes. 

All the supportive "extras" are paid for by levy dollars. Singing, playing sports, learning to play an instrument: these all contribute to the variety of the educational experience.

Levy dollars equal staff and paraeducators who teach and work with students each day. Levy dollars equal counselors who help children deal with the stresses and anxieties of their ever-changing world. Levy dollars are an investment not only in our children's futures, but also in the future success of our city. Businesses seek to establish themselves and bring their employees and families to communities where the schools are supported and valued.

When I receive my ballot in the mail, I will vote yes on this Centralia School District levy. Will you join me? Strong schools with an unwavering commitment from their citizens are the building blocks of a vibrant and successful community. I believe that we are that community. Vote!

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."


Jan Leth
