Letter to the editor: The force of government is being used against citizens


Nero played his fiddle while Rome burned, according to a 54 AD myth.

Hitler said, “If you repeat a lie enough times, people will believe the lie.”

Most Americans believe in fair play, and most Americans believe in every person’s God-given rights as protected by the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights.

Regardless of what you think of Donald Trump, you must have noticed that our present Democrat government and others have used the power of government, including the Biden Justice Department and FBI, to attempt to eliminate him as a candidate in 2024, because he stated that he thought that the 2020 election results were not correct.

Doesn’t this constitute interference by Biden in the 2024 election?

What do you think of the fact that the lawyers who represented Trump are charged with a crime?

Have you noticed that contrary opinions about climate change, COVID-19 shots and face masks, illegal immigration, pipelines and oil drilling, and election accuracy are not only disallowed, but people with these different opinions are being punished and jailed for their speech?

The government acts against parents who speak up at school board meetings, and labels them “domestic terrorists.” The government has tried to force cake bakers and flower shops to violate their religious beliefs and participate in gay weddings.

The force of government is being used against citizens who have opinions that the radical left socialist Democrats don’t like, contrary to our Constitution and our history as a free country. These police state tactics must be stopped and the leaders of the police state must be put out of positions of power. 

Today, in the USA, “power corrupts.”

Now we are told that President Biden and his family have received millions of dollars from foreign countries including China, Russia, Iran, Ukraine and others.

Do you have enough of an open mind to notice this tyrannical behavior, and do you recognize that police state tactics can be used against you, as well as against those with whom you disagree?


Mike Kimbrel
