Letter to the editor: Thoughts on the prayer, politics ban at senior centers


I just read Chronicle Publisher Chad Taylor’s commentary about the ban of prayer and politics at the senior centers.

I do agree that these places should be inclusive and make the people who use them comfortable with being there. I initially thought that this was about banning public prayer. I am on board with that. Public prayer is not inclusive. 

I understand that most residents of Lewis County are conservative, straight, white Christians. However, not all of us are. I for one am an atheist who votes Democrat. I do not believe in gods, angels, demons or the devil. I do not have a problem with people privately saying a prayer before they eat their meals or getting together for a Bible study.

As for politics, it seems like a good place to bring in candidates and public officials to discuss issues. It may be the only way they can get the information out.

The senior centers also seem like a good place for people to have community and socialize with others. Whatever private conversations folks have while they’re in the senior centers is their own business.

This just seems like bad policy.


Lewis Foerster

Lewis County