Letter to the editor: Trump conviction was a setup by a liberal district attorney in a liberal state


Letter writer Dennis Shain’s computer must have stuck.


Yes, President Trump was found guilty in a New York court by a district attorney who was elected on the platform of “I will get Trump!” Such a wonderful sentiment from an elected official. Makes the cockles of my heart just glow with warmth.

Of course, it was a travesty of justice and a foregone conclusion. The district attorney had to stretch several laws to the breaking point to get the charges to become a felony. The supposed crime is a misdemeanor in New York, so the district attorney had to stretch the fabric of the law to make it appear that the crime was used to hide a felony crime. There was never a shadow of a doubt that President Trump would have no chance of a fair trial in a New York court of any type.

It was a setup by a liberal district attorney in a liberal state. And, of course, it is unlikely President Trump will get a fair hearing in any New York state court from judges mostly appointed by an ultra-liberal governor. And, since his conviction was in the Manhattan Criminal Court his appeal will have to go through levels of appointed, and in some cases elected, judges. It will take forever to get his case to a federal court where he might stand a chance of a fair hearing. This, of course, was the whole purpose of this charade, and the appeal process will take years. Now, the left can ignore the incompetence of President Biden, the presumed Democratic candidate, and crow about President Trump being a convicted felon. Of course, the question of whether President Trump can be president as a convicted felon will obviously be a whole new legal problem.

Georgia, another liberal state, stands ready to prosecute President Trump on election interference charges, which would add an additional felony conviction, another foregone conclusion.

Can a convicted felon serve as president? Legal scholars are completely divided on the question. There is no apparent law that prohibits it. Further, because he was convicted of a Class E felony, it’s unlikely that he will serve any prison time. That type of felony is not considered a “serious” crime in New York and seldom results in a prison sentence. It’s usually probation, fines and community service.

I have to say that I am not a fan of President Trump as a politician. I have absolutely no doubt that he loves this country and did everything in his power to protect and defend the U.S. during his time as president.

However, his Achilles heel is that he is not a politician, and compromise is not usually in his vocabulary or actions. But the thought of another term of President Biden’s far-left agenda bothers me to no end. I don’t believe this country can survive another four years of the Biden and Obama agenda. On top of that, it’s obvious that President Biden is incompetent, probably suffering from dementia.


Bruce Peterson
