Letter to the Editor: We Need Forward-Thinking Leadership for Lewis County


I loved Aaron Van Tuyl's article on the power rankings of committees. It was a breath of fresh air. It explains a lot about why nothing of substance seems to get done.

Our area is growing in leaps and bounds, and our needs are changing. We need smart, effective leadership that is forward-thinking instead of a group of good old boys. You know, if it was good enough in 1980, it's good enough now (not). Think 1938 is a long long time ago? It's the same 42 years from 1938 to 1980 as it is from 1980 to 2022. And it is all in the past. 

Our leadership, both city and county, should be looking toward the future.

The Board of Lewis County Commissioners is a prime example of why we should be ignoring what they say and watching what they do.


Katherine Ford
