Letter to the Editor: Why Were Lewis County Projects Shut Out of Federal Spending Bill? 


Dear Chronicle editors and staff — thank you so much for covering the allocation of federal funds from the 2023 omnibus bill. This was important information to have and I’m grateful that you reported on it.

Did you happen to notice that of the $14 million allocated, not one penny seems to have gone for projects in Lewis County?

I’m about to email all my legislators and senators to see if any of them can tell me what steps they took (or didn’t) to secure funding for much-needed projects here in Lewis County. We certainly have old, failing sewer and water systems of our own. 

Or how about the massive flooding problems that cause closures of Interstate 5 and disrupt economic activity (and people’s lives) throughout the region and which will require multi-million or even billion-dollar remediation efforts?

Might this not be worth a followup story? I’m sure your inquiries of our local county commissioners, state and federal legislators and senators would have more impact than those of one lone constituent.

Many thanks for shining a light on this issue.


LL Hauer
