Letter to the Editor: Yes, Supreme Court Does Have Jurisdiction on Second Amendment Matters


I am not writing this to debate the Second Amendment but only to point out what I see as flaws in the logic of a recent letter to the editor by Mike Kimbrel. First, Mr. Kimbrel stated that “nowhere in the U.S. Constitution is it explicitly enshrined that the Supreme Court is the final authority on the constitutionality of laws.” The constitution does say “the judicial power (of the Supreme Court) shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under this constitution.” The Second Amendment is part of the Constitution, so I think that is explicitly stated to be under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. The alternative to that seems to be that any person can decide for himself which laws are constitutional and any sheriff can decide which laws to enforce.

That would be anarchy.

In reality, however, every official must set priorities based on their personnel strength and funding. Those priorities should probably reflect the priorities of those who elected that official.

Mr. Kimbrel asked that columnist Julie McDonald provide proof that there were no irregularities in the perfect 2020 election.

This is an example of frequently used hyperbole in political commentary. It is often used to make another person look more extreme.

It is not possible to prove that something does not exist in most cases, but it is possible to conduct unbiased audits, unlike the current one in Arizona. Every objective person would question the results of such an audit.

I don’t think anyone believes there was no error or fraud in this election, but that the rate was so low that it couldn’t affect the results. I think Donald Trump might be so sure there was fraud because he knows there was Russian interference in his favor. He once said that if the Russians interfered, we wouldn’t know it. We should do an in-depth audit of Iowa to see if people voted who were not counted.

To the extent that the current administration believes that workers should get a larger share of what they produce, they are Marxist, but Marxism says that it would evolve into communism and socialism in which the means of production, distribution and exchange would be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. In truth, the synthesis of economic systems is having a different result than predicted. I like to call it market socialism.

As for McDonald’s quotes cited by Mr. Kimbel, some are opinion and some are true. I disagree that all Trump supporters are haters. People voted for Trump for many reasons, many of which are actually rational and valid.

I don’t know what Sheriff Rob Snaza means by a sanctuary for the Second Amendment. All countries and municipalities should be constitutional sanctuaries for the Second Amendment as long as it is the law of the land. That leaves room for debate on regulation.


Michael LeClair
