Lewis County commissioners pass $3.4 million budget amendment


The Board of Lewis County Commissioners has approved a budget amendment to the 2024 budget after expenditures in the county increased by $3.2 million and revenue decreased by nearly $250,000.

During Tuesday’s business meeting, Becky Butler, county budget administrator, said the amendment will result in an estimated $3,456,000 decrease in the county’s ending fund balance. In the hearing, Butler said the “majority” of the amendment will fund capital projects through revenue received in previous periods.

As part of the amendment, the county’s general fund will decrease by $24,350.

According to Butler, $2.4 million of the expenditure increase resulted from the county’s distressed counties .09 sales and use tax. The county receives the funding throughout the year, which is then awarded to public utility projects.

“That was the majority of the amendment,” Butler said.

Additionally, Lewis County’s capital maintenance fund increased by $182,000, which will add “budget capacity for furniture at the new Community Development building, Senior Centers grant expenditures and software licenses,” according to county budget documents.

The amendment also includes $377,550 in real estate excise tax funds for the new Community Development Building.

Located at 125 NW Chehalis Ave. in downtown Chehalis, the new central campus will be the home of Lewis County’s community development offices and the environmental, health and information technology offices.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony for the building is scheduled for Aug. 21 at noon.

The jail capital improvements account will receive an additional $325,000, which will increase “the repair and maintenance budget for the jail video, door control and Jail intercom upgrade projects,” according to county budget documents.

The commissioners also approved an additional $33,750 for increased “salaries for construction at the new night by night homeless shelter,” according to county budget documents.

In June, County Manager Ryan Barrett said the shelter is on track to open by the end of the year.

“So those were the majority of the large projects included,” Butler said.