Lewis County Jail inmate charged after staff find suboxone strip in his sock


A Lewis County Jail inmate was charged Wednesday in Lewis County Superior Court after jail staff found a strip of suboxone in his sock.

Suboxone is an opioid used to treat narcotic dependence.

A corrections deputy was reportedly “conducting a shakedown” of a cell occupied by Treyton Zachariah Reid Hancock, 22, and found the substance on July 23, according to court documents.

Reid Hancock was later transferred to solitary confinement, where he was searched and a deputy found a suboxone strip wrapped in plastic inside his sock.

Reid Hancock allegedly “attempted to step on it to cover it up,” but later allegedly “admitted the suboxone strip,” according to court documents.

He was charged Wednesday, July 24, with one count of possession of a controlled substance while in a county or local correctional facility. Arraignment is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 1.