Lewis County’s Relay For Life Heads Back to Fairgrounds


Relay for Life of Lewis County will be back at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds this year after two years in a smaller venue due to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The event gathers partner organizations to sign up relay teams to raise money for the American Cancer Society by walking for 24 hours nonstop.

Running from 4 p.m. Friday, May 20, to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 21, the event is open to anyone who wants to help the American Cancer Society find a cure for cancer.

“For me, Relay for Life is about our cancer survivors and making sure that they have the things that they need from us, whether it's support, whether it's a number to call when health issues arise, whether it's just for someone to talk to,” said event co-organizer Patty Allee. “That’s what we’re here for, is our cancer survivors because cancer survivors are the heart of relay — they really are. That’s what we do.”

Allee said the move back to the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds is a boon for the event.

“The last two years, because of COVID, we had to scale things so far back. It was a smaller event, smaller venue,” she said. “But we’re back. … We’re going back to the future to find a cure for cancer. We’re going back to a few years ago to kick the other c-word to the curb.”

A private donor paid the $2,500 fee to use the fairgrounds as the venue, the identity of whom only Allee knows.

“They know who they are,” she said.

Those interested in creating a relay team can search “2022 Relay for Life of Lewis County” on Facebook and send a message to the page. Participants can also call Allee at 360-827-2312.

As part of the event’s fundraising, there will be an online auction connected to the Facebook page that will run from May 15 through May 21. Teams usually donate the items up for auction, but the public is welcome to do so as well by contacting Allee.

Right now, the Relay team is already halfway to its $30,000 goal.

There will be the traditional Luminary ceremony, where attendees will light up the night with memories of those they’ve lost to cancer starting around 9:30 or 10 p.m. on May 20. But before that, Relay will host an explosive event to rally the crowd.

“And we also have fireworks — we do,” Allee said. “The fireworks are provided by Pro-Tech Painting and County Services and Merit Logistics. Those will start up at about dusk. If people want to come in from the outside to watch the fireworks with us, we’re open to that. Fireworks by donation. You know, come on in, make a donation to Relay, whether it’s a dollar or $100.”

Kelli O’Reilly will be back again this year with Kelli’s Kids Camp, which runs every hour on the hour from 4 to 10 p.m. on May 20, reconvening the following morning.

Activities offered will have the typical fair-like flair, with installments such as kid-favorite cakewalks, balloon or egg tosses and even bingo.

“Anytime they can do an activity, they can mark it off on their passport — the passport’s coming back — and when they fill up their passport, they can turn it in for a drawing and there’s two pretty big prizes they could win,” O’Reilly said.

She said parents who come to Relay can be in myriad different mental states, from happy or sad, to reflective or everything in between.

“I want kids to be able to come somewhere and do activities where they are safe,” O’Reilly said. “So if (parents) want to leave their child with me for an hour and they want to chat with somebody or they cry or they scream or they celebrate, then they have a safe place to do that.”

Event co-organizer Josh Carnell has worked in step with Allee and the Relay team for the past year, meeting multiple times a month.

For Carnell, the relationships he’s created are why he’s involved.

“Relay for Life is about the community that we’ve really grown,” he said. “It is a family, and you just become so attached to these people. It’s the community, the people, that make me come back.”

More Information

What: Relay For Life of Lewis County

Where: Southwest Washington Fairgrounds

When: From 4 p.m. Friday, May 20 to 4 p.m. Saturday May 21

Why: To raise funds for the American Cancer Society

How: Sign up to be a participating organization and create a relay team by searching “2022 Relay for Life of Lewis County” on Facebook and messaging the page.