Machine recount set for Morton hospital district


The Lewis County Auditor's Office will conduct a mandatory machine recount Thursday, with a seat on the Lewis County Hospital District 1, which does business as Arbor Health Morton Hospital, on the line.

Current results show a separation of six votes — a .32% difference — between leader Christopher Schumaker and Jonathan Mark Chandler. According to the Nov. 28 results, Schumaker has 919 votes to Chandler’s 913.

In the race, 55 voters voted for a write-in candidate.

A machine recount is required in Washington state if the result is within .5%. A manual recount would be required if the vote was within .25%.

According to the auditor’s office, the recount will review the undervotes in the election — eligible voters who selected other candidates on their ballot for different races but didn't select either Chandler or Schumaker.

The recount will begin at 9 a.m. Thursday during an open meeting in the auditor’s office at the Lewis County Courthouse. Following the recount, the canvassing board will certify an amended certificate of election.