Mount St. Helens Institute Announces 2023 Base Camp and Family Adventure Camp Dates, Introduces Sliding Scale Pay Model


The Mount St. Helens Institute (MSHI) has announced a new sliding scale pay model for its Base Camp and Family Adventure Camp camping events on weekends throughout the summer. 

The events provide a rare opportunity for people to camp on the north side of Mount St. Helens and participate in a range of guided and self-guided activities.

“Bring your camping gear, set up for the weekend and participate in all the mountain has to offer,” MSHI wrote in a news release. “This two-night camp includes designated camp or RV sites, delicious meals prepared in MSHI's kitchen, guided activities with knowledgeable staff and volunteers, a self-guided activity pack for unstructured playtime, access to the Science and Learning Center, access to flush toilets and running water, and access to their collection of natural history books, among other amenities.”

A participant in last year’s Base Camp event called it “summer camp for grownups” in the release. 

Family Adventure Camp is similar to Base Camp but is focused on intergenerational learning — offering families of all ages, backgrounds and structures a chance to explore Mount St. Helens and build confidence in exploring the outdoors, according to the release. 

This two-night overnight camp includes meals and activities such as hiking, playing, creating art and exploring the geology and ecology of the area. Children 4 and younger can attend for free, and families with special needs are welcome to contact MSHI to discuss accommodations.

Both events are open to all ages. Children must be accompanied by an adult. MSHI will work with guests to accommodate dietary allergies or preferences and will provide a confirmation email with a link to a participant information form.

MSHI is piloting a sliding scale pay model to increase access to the event by allowing participants to pay at a level that is feasible for them. 

"These are just the initial steps to expand MSHI’s offerings and make them more equitable as we move forward with the Mount St. Helens Lodge and Education Center. We believe folks of all ages, backgrounds and abilities deserve the chance to be inspired by and learn from the volcano in our backyard," said Ray Yurkewycz, executive director of MSHI.

When registering for the event, participants will be asked to choose a dollar amount that works for them and their families. MSHI recommends sliding up if participants have discretionary income for expenses like travel, dining out and entertainment, and sliding down if their financial circumstances would prevent them from participating. Each tier has a set number of available spots. 

For more information on the Base Camp and Family Adventure Camp, including registration and recommended packing lists, visit or email