Our Views: After 40 years of Democrat governors, it’s time for a change


For 40 straight years, Washington state governors have all been Democrats. Democrats have controlled the governor’s office, the administration and leadership of our state, uninterrupted. In contrast, 49 other states, every single one, have had Republican governors at least once during that time.

Voters generally understand that one party's total domination of government isn’t healthy — yet, for four decades, the same ideas and leadership have been running our government, including its agencies.

Washingtonians pride ourselves on being open-minded and embracing change, but four decades of one party in our state elections tell a different story. 

Washington, D.C., gets most attention, while in Olympia, our governor and legislators are tasked with handling everyday issues such as education, infrastructure, taxes and criminal justice.

Ask yourself some questions: Are our public schools improving? Is statewide student achievement rising to meet the increasing demands of today’s jobs and careers? Are our communities getting safer? Are state taxes decreasing? Is the level of service from public agencies higher?   

If the answers are “no,” then consider whether having four more years of one-party control of state government after 40 years is a good idea.

Why hasn’t education funding kept pace with inflation? Olympia Democrats care about education but the percentage of the state budget that goes to schools is still declining. Why?  Olympia Republicans vote to make education funding the first priority. The problem is that for Olympia Democrats, all government spending is the top priority. The result is the proportion of state funding for education keeps going down even while they create new taxes. 

Olympia Democrats care about public safety. It’s just that they care even more about having fewer criminals arrested or sent to jail. This week, Nordstrom announced that the Seattle market is the most dangerous for crime of any of their locations across the nation. Fighting crime creates a tension between the rights of regular citizens in being safe and the rights of those suspected or guilty of committing crimes. Olympia Democrats believe that the police and judges are unfair to criminal defendants. That’s why they release criminals early from jail, decriminalize, reduce police authority and cut funding for cops and jails. If fewer people are arrested and sent to prison, our society is more fair, from their perspective.

New taxes continue to be created and other taxes will be increased as long as the same team runs Olympia. 

Do Olympia Republicans have all the right answers? No.

But isn’t it wise to create some balance in the system, to change leadership, say, maybe once every generation or so? But, in Washington state, we are stuck. Why can’t we do what voters in every other state have done — change leadership once in a while?

A big part of the answer is money.

In the current governor’s race, the spending is wildly unbalanced.

According to a report by The Seattle Times, Democratic spending on TV and radio ads outpace Republican spending 50 to 1. Those endless ads attack Dave Reichert and promote Bob Ferguson, aiming for four more years of one party control. In person, Dave Reichert in the televised debates looks and sounds nothing like the guy portrayed in all of these attack ads. 

But the ads don’t stop. Big organizations and wealthy donors fund these ads because they want the status quo.

The good news is that the people still have the vote. 

Will Washington voters give the same team another four years making it 44 straight years, or will we do what the other 49 states have done in the last four decades and bring in a new team?

The Chronicle Editorial Board doesn’t often weigh in on statewide positions in government, but this race is important.

We believe that, after four decades, voters should support a new direction for Washington and elect Reichert as governor.