Robert F. Kennedy Jr. petitions to get on Washington state ballot


OLYMPIA — The campaign to elect Robert F. Kennedy Jr. president submitted a petition Friday for the descendant of the famous political family to be listed on Washington's November ballot.

Kennedy, who has espoused anti-vaccine views, is running as an alternative to Democrat incumbent President Joe Biden and Republican former President Donald Trump. He has been pushing to get on the ballot in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.

The campaign filed 4,181 signatures to get on the Washington ballot Friday.

Kennedy is on the We the People party ticket. People who want to get on Washington's ballot as a nominee of a minor party or as an independent candidate must submit 1,000 valid signatures by the first Friday in August. The secretary of state has until Aug. 24 to verify there are sufficient valid signatures.

According to the campaign, Kennedy and his running mate, Nicole Shanahan, have qualified for the ballot in eight states — California, Delaware, Hawaii, Michigan, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah — and have collected enough signatures to qualify for ballot access in 14 others, including Washington.

"We look forward to helping get Mr. Kennedy elected as president so he can bring back the American dream and inspire better human and environmental health for generations to come," said Bonnie Gerber, Washington state regional coordinator for the Kennedy campaign.


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