Thurston County Commissioners Extend COVID-19 Emergency Resolution


On Tuesday, the Thurston County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to extend a resolution declaring the COVID-19 outbreak a county emergency and also passed an ordinance extending expiration dates for development applications. 

The original emergency resolution, passed March 12, expired on Wednesday. The amended resolution expires May 31. 

“The declaration of a local emergency allows the county, by state law, to undertake emergency purchases and activates the Thurston County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan,” according to a news release from Thurston County. “The declaration authorizes county departments and offices to enter into contracts and incur obligations necessary to combat the emergency and protect the health and safety of persons, property, and the environment, and provide emergency assistance to the victims of the emergency.”

As of Tuesday there were 81 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Thurston County.

Public access will continue to be closed to Thurston County facilities through May 15. 

The board then unanimously voted to pass an ordinance aimed at economic security and relief during the COVID-19 emergency. The ordinance temporarily allows extensions of the expiration date for certain development-related building applications and approvals.