Trump backers want to destroy country


I was amused by Thomas Higdon’s letter saying I am offended by Republicans. That is not at all what I said, and I am not surprised Mr. Higdon didn’t even try to understand what I wrote. I wrote that I was saddened and offended by John McCroskey painting all Lewis County youth as entitled and his bashing of our president. It appears that Mr. Higdon needs to turn off Fox News, too?

I am most certainly not offended by all Republicans, in fact I have family and friends that I love very much who are GOP.

I am certainly offended by the House GOP at the moment, in their shenanigans and whining about the border and voting against the solutions, apparently just to kick sand and make a point with the Orange Menace.

The agenda of the far-right GOP, in case you hadn’t noticed, is to end Social Security and Medicare, and the Christo-fascists want to end birth control. They want to end birth control. Think about that. Maybe you will have to live with your kids and a steady stream of grands and great-grands, all with no medical insurance. They are not conservatives. They are lunatics.

Republicans used to be about small government. The MAGA agenda seems to be about controlling as much of our lives as possible. Trump has warped Republican philosophy so badly that it is unrecognizable. Meanwhile, the Orange Menace is barely able to put out a coherent sentence while bragging about his dementia tests. The news story there is that someone is making him take dementia tests.

His backers want the worst possible outcome for our nation: our destruction.

I take being bashed by someone like Thomas Higdon as a badge of honor. I am grateful to letter writers such as Marty Ansley and JB Bouchard and some others who make their common-sense truly informed views known.

As a matter of fact, I do bring my own Kleenex when I weep for what Fox News vomits on a daily basis. They have already been sued for three-quarters of a billion dollars for lying, and apparently it didn’t even make an impression. They lie for ratings because a car wreck gets more attention than smoothly flowing traffic. They just make up the car wrecks.

We used to be able to talk about current events without throwing punches. I still welcome and hug my Republican family, but we don’t talk about politics.That’s sad because we used to have great conversations about policy.

Katherine L. Ford
