Twins charged with jumping man on Cowlitz County railroad tracks


A transient man was sentenced to one month in jail for jumping a man on the railroad tracks near the Seventh Avenue Walmart with his twin brother.

Franklin Scott Clark, 38, of Longview, apologized to Judge Patricia Fassett Thursday before she sentenced him.

He pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree assault and was sentenced to one month with credit for time served, as well as 12 months of community custody. As part of the sentencing, he must have no contact with the victim.

According to the police report, Clark, along with his twin brother John Henry Clark, 38, of Longview, assaulted another transient man on Aug. 11 on the railroad tracks that run south of Walmart. 

The victim told police he was struck in the back of the head with a stick by two identical men as he was walking northbound on the tracks. Afterward, he could not locate a backpack he was carrying.

The officer in the police report writes the victim sustained a "large contusion" behind his right ear and had a fresh bleeding abrasion on his left leg.

When officers interviewed the brothers following their detainment, both said they struck the victim because he pointed a gun at them, the report states.

However, the twins also gave contradictory stories.

Franklin Scott Clark gave two different locations of the attack, and said the victim chased them. His brother told officers the chase never occurred.

The court filing states John Henry Clark entered a not guilty plea for his one count of second-degree assault on Aug. 26. He was denied bail and has a hearing on Sept. 23.