WSU Lewis County Master Gardeners Plan July Events 


The WSU Lewis County Master Gardeners are inviting the public to events set for July. 

At 10 a.m., July 15, an event titled “Growing and Caring for Hydrangeas” will be held at the Providence Place Demonstration Garden, 350 SE Washington Ave., Chehalis. 

“A beautiful addition to any flower garden, learn the secrets of changing color, caring for and pruning this beautiful and easy to grow ornamental,” the Master Gardeners stated in a news release. 

A “Propagation With Softwood Cuttings” class will be offered at 10 a.m. July 29 at the Toledo Elementary School Greenhouse, 311 S. Sixth St., Toledo. The hands-on session will focus on using softwood cuttings. Each attendee will receive the book “Cuttings Through the Year” and a cuttings box. Cost per attendee is $40 to cover materials. It’s due when registering.

Each attendee is expected to bring their own hand clippers and samples for propagation appropriate in July. 

The class emphasis will be on preparation of cuttings, growing conditions and transplanting cuttings into pots or the ground. Each attendee should finish with a variety of cutting starts to grow at home.

For more information, contact Jason Adams, program coordinator for WSU Lewis County Gardeners, at 360-740-1216 or Learn more at