Bail set at $100,000 for a Chehalis man accused of assaulting woman, disabling a police vehicle 


Bail is set at $100,000 for a Chehalis man accused of violating an anti-harassment order protecting a couple in August, assaulting a woman on Oct. 8 and slamming his head into the partition of a police vehicle extensively enough that the vehicle had to be taken out of commission when he was arrested on Oct. 13. 

“He’s likely to fail to appear and has demonstrated he’s not able to follow court orders. He’s a danger to the community and the people he’s around,” Judge James Lawler said of the defendant, Jeremy Allan Goldner, 37, during a preliminary hearing on Monday, Oct. 14. 

Goldner was charged Monday in Lewis County Superior Court with charges stemming from the three incidents. In total, he faces one count of violation of an anti-harassment order for the August incident; one count each of second-degree assault, domestic violence; unlawful imprisonment, domestic violence and fourth-degree assault stemming from the Oct. 8 incident; and one count of second-degree malicious mischief stemming from the Oct. 13 incident. 

On Aug. 12, Goldner is accused of violating an anti-harassment order protecting a couple residing in the 800 block of Cousins Road in Lewis County. One of the protected parties reported seeing Goldner drive past her property to gain access to 165 acres the couple owns in the area. 

“In order to get to the property behind (the couple’s residence), Goldner would have had to be well within 1,000 feet,” the Lewis County Prosecutor’s Office stated in charging documents filed Oct. 14. 

When a Lewis County Sheriff’s Office deputy contacted Goldner by phone, Goldner allegedly argued that he had not violated the order because he hadn’t spoken to or harmed the couple and “claimed all of this was just an alleged problem and it was unfair.” He allegedly refused to meet with a deputy, saying “he could not go back to jail as it was bad timing with his (Goldner’s) health,” and said “the sheriff’s office would not find him at his (registered) address anymore” before hanging up. 

On Oct. 8, Goldner is accused of strangling a woman several times, striking her, throwing her into a piano and then locking her in a bathroom for two hours. 

The victim reported the assault to the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office on Oct. 13. She told responding deputies that police did respond to the incident when it occurred on Oct. 8, but said “she didn’t tell them anything because Jeremy was standing behind the door,” according to court documents. 

Responding deputies noted that the victim had bruises on her upper right arm and her right leg that were several days old. The victim provided photos that she had taken of the injuries when they were fresh, according to court documents. 

Deputies were able to locate and arrest Goldner on Oct. 13, according to court documents. 

When placed into the back of a patrol car, Goldner allegedly “got angry and slammed his head twice into the partition of the patrol car, splitting the skin on his forehead. He then thrashed around, getting his blood on the interior of the patrol car,” according to court documents. 

The vehicle reportedly had to be taken out of service for the remainder of the shift “due to the biohazard.” 

Goldner allegedly “told the officers that if he was going to be treated like an animal, he would act like one,” according to court documents. 

When he arrived at the Lewis County Jail, Goldner allegedly “again got angry and slammed the back of his head into the concrete wall of the jail.” He was taken to a local hospital for stitches, according to court documents. 

Lewis County Jail records indicate Goldner was booked at 4:55 p.m. on Oct. 13. 

Arraignment is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 17.