Centralia Downtown Association Announces Business Survival Grants


Using $42,000 in coronavirus relief funds distributed from they City of Centralia, the Centralia Downtown Association plans to provide grants of $2,500 to $5,000 in Centralia to small businesses struggling due to COVID-19.

The grants could go toward rent and utilities, expenses to comply with COVID-19 requirements, or to create an outdoor “parklet” to increase outdoor seating to accommodate social distancing requirements. 

“We appreciate everyone who is shopping local to keep our businesses afloat in this storm, but we also know that the lack of events and travelers has hurt our local businesses to the point where some have already decided to shut their doors,” said CDA President Jennifer Krueger. “We hope these grants will help keep more businesses operational until the end of the crisis.”

Applications will be due in the CDA office by 5 p.m. Sept. 10. Late proposals will be waitlisted in the event that all of the funds are not used in the first round of grants or that more funding becomes available.

Eligible businesses will have opened a brick and mortar facility before March 1, 2020, will have no more than 10 employees and will be located within the boundaries from Mellon to 6th Street on Tower and Pearl, and Main Street from Railroad Avenue to Yew Street.

“Priority will be given to businesses who demonstrate the need for the funds and the capacity to use the grant to keep their doors open,” said Executive Director Teri Zambon. “We are eager to help and will be as flexible as we can under the CARES Act guidelines.”

Applications may be downloaded at downtowncentralia.org. For questions or to receive an emailed or paper application email centraliadowntownassociation@gmail.com or call 360-345-1040.