Centralia School District is accepting applications for vacant school board position through Sept. 13


The Centralia School District is accepting applications for a vacant position on the Centralia School Board.

The application period closes at 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 13.

To apply, applicants should send a letter of interest and a resume to Executive Assistant Cory Moses at cmoses@centralia.wednet.edu or by mail to 2320 Borst Ave., Centralia.

Applicants must be registered voters and reside in the district.

Board members are expected to attend study sessions on the second Thursday at 5 p.m. and board meetings on the fourth Thursday at 5 p.m., as well as special board meetings and executive sessions. Directors may also participate in committees related to education and attend many school events throughout the year.

Whoever is appointed to the vacant position will join Debra L. Parnham, Martiza Bravo, Tim Browning and Sarah Holmes on the five-person board.

The vacant at-large director position 3 was previously filled by Mike Stinkeoway, who the Centralia School Board appointed in January 2024.