Chehalis Council Hears Concerns Over Traffic and Safety on Southwest 21st Street


The Chehalis City Council on Monday night listened to concerns from a Chehalis resident over traffic and safety on Southwest 21st Street.

While several topics were discussed during the council’s bi-weekly meeting — from transportation project funding issues to the recent ChehalisFest — the biggest topic of discussion was traffic and safety issues revolving around businesses on 21st Street in south Chehalis.

Chehalis local Bob Heymann said the residential road has become too congested lately, an especially dangerous development with a school nearby.

“It’s a narrow street. I’ve seen kids have to jump into the ditch when buses and trucks come by. It is a hazard, and I want to talk about it before somebody gets hurt,” Heymann said.

Despite being a mostly residential street, the Lewis Fire District 6 station, the Greater Chehalis Food Bank, the Pacific Athletic Center and the Boys & Girls Club of Chehalis are all located on the northern end of 21st street near the intersection with South Market Boulevard.

This has led to a significant increase in traffic, Heymann said.

Another concern Heymann has is developers looking to build a new apartment complex on 21st, which would compound the congestion issue, he said.

According to City Manager Jill Anderson, the developers are required to hold a neighborhood meeting before pursuing their plans but have yet to do so.

Mayor Tony Ketchum called for the city to hold its own neighborhood meeting with the residents of Southwest 21st Street to further discuss the issue, along with possible solutions.

“We as a city need to meet with this group, because this is the third time in the last six months now that this neighborhood has come asking for help,” Ketchum said.

The neighborhood meeting’s date, time and location have yet to be announced.