In Focus: Fire District 11 Helps Cool Down Pe Ell Community


Lewis County Fire District 11, based in Pe Ell, provided the community with an opportunity to cool down on Saturday as temperatures in the region again hit the 90s.

Firefighters and members of the community sprayed water across a field in front of the Pe Ell school while flushing some of the city’s fire hydrants.

“What an evening we had!” the district wrote on Facebook after the event. “We would like to thank the school for allowing us to water the front field, the town for letting us flush some hydrants, Janet Toepelt, of Eveys, for purchasing Otter Pops and providing ice, The Pe Ell Sun for purchasing balls, Mike Toepelt for buying us dinner after we got done, District 16 for bringing an engine to join in on the fun and all the department members (and family) that came out to play! Two hours of cool wet fun. We hope you had a great time!”

To stay updated on Lewis County Fire District 11, follow them on Facebook.