Legendary Vinod Khosla Wants To Hear Your Tofu Startup Pitch



The legendary* Vinod Khosla spoke with TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington at Disrupt today, discussing some of the unordinary startups he has invested in, including an efficient lettuce picker, dairy-less cheese and high-tech beef.

Khosla said one of the companies is trying to develop salt that is "as salty as salt" but with 50% less sodium to combat high blood pressure and other health problems. He continued that people tasted one of the startups' dairy-less cheese and couldn't tell the difference.

The two argued over how far along the taste of faux beef is and how similar it is to regular meat.

"I just never know where these conversations are going to go when I get on stage," Arrington said.

Biz Williams and Evan Stone were also on stage earlier today discussing their own meatless meat startup, Beyond Meat. Khosla used his less "techy" startup interests to discuss larger themes, like his emphasis on the importance of hiring.

*Arrington started the interview by noting how he always sees Khosla described online as legendary, asking how and when that happened.

This story originally appeared in TechCrunch.