Letter to the Editor: Approve Adna Levy and Continue Celebrating Our Community Standards


The Adna School District is a vital part of our community that recognizes the need to educate students to our community’s standard. Though the state provides basic funding, renewing the expiring levy helps provide educational opportunities to meet the needs of students that are often overlooked. The Adna School District strives for excellence in core educational building blocks while being responsive to the community’s desire to embrace the tradition of a rural setting.

With active FFA and vocational training programs, future leaders are being developed in agricultural sciences; these leaders will help keep our farming communities thriving.

Traditional opportunities for students to learn fine arts through band and theater are encouraged and celebrated. Computer and robotics programs are providing students with options to stay current in technological fields.

The Adna School District serves as a community hub and has a rich tradition of sports programs that turn into community events.

Friday nights in the fall are not just about football in Adna, they bring families together, communities together, and they embrace generational traditions of reaching beyond the school grounds. This tradition encourages all kids, whether a student plays sports or not, to put away video games and engage in the community.

The Adna School District does not take for granted the trust the community places in their stewardship of education. All of this is possible with the levy dollars used to fill the gaps. This is a vote to replace the current expiring levy and continue celebrating our community standards.


Andy Caldwell
