Letter to the editor: Experience with Secret Service agents leaves impression


In November 2011, the 21-member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, commonly known as APEC, met in Honolulu, Hawaii. The countries represented included major heads of government from China, Russia, the United States and many others from the Pacific Rim region.

Over 1,200 journalists, along with thousands of supporting staff, attended this event. Extensive and thorough planning for this event started a year earlier.

To assist in the planning effort, I was voluntarily recalled to active duty for the U.S. Coast Guard to serve as the primary maritime security planner and chair for the respective subcommittee. Of the approximately 12 subcommittees, I was the only person at these meetings who was not a Secret Service employee.

I attended weekly meetings and had almost daily contact with the representatives for the next year.

In light of current events, I would like to convey my admiration for the hard work and devotion to duty of these agents with whom I worked closely.

It was amazing to watch and learn from this planning process; memories I will always cherish.


Steven J. Craig
