Letter to the Editor: It’s Time for a New Senator in Washington 


Patty Murray is ineffective as Washington's senator. She favors non-citizens over those who are in our country through legal means.

Murray is soft on crime. The news is full of stories reporting criminal aggression against innocent merchants. Acts of violence are not brought to justice.

Murray's votes have directed the national economy to spiral downward. Prices are rising faster than wage earners can budget and plan for. 

Notice how the “Build Back Better” plan has resulted in the inflation and loss of value for the United States dollar? 

Murray, after 30 years, still actively supports open borders. Does she realize Washington state has an international border, ocean ports, interstate roads and air travel which all provide gateways for any and all people who have various motives for being in the United States?

We have a rising problem with organized criminal cartels bringing in deadly drugs to our most vulnerable citizens.

Has Murray recently read the Constitution and noticed the responsibility of the federal government to protect international borders? How can she ignore the consequences of her behavior as a senator?

Murray likes to remind Washingtonians that her father served in the military. For 30 years, the Veterans Administration has not had the oversight and support necessary to give all veterans the benefits promised.

Murray has rarely met a “giveaway” program she doesn't like. Taxpayers understand the need for supporting the essential services and programs in government. We do have choices.

As for me, give me Tiffany Smiley.


Frank Dare

Thurston County