Letter to the editor: Our representatives should reflect our values


At this time, we all have the opportunity, rather the responsibility, of making our voices heard as we contemplate who we want to lead our communities, our country, but most importantly, our society. Who we choose as our personal and corporate representatives should reflect our own values. Thus, it is important to understand what our underlying personal values are and then explore the various candidates to see how closely their values reflect our own.

There are many issues facing us in our society, in our country: economic, public safety, immigration, education, foreign policy, energy, environment, health care. Our society and all these issues are very complex, often with conflicts in values and principles. But if we have a firm understanding of our own personal underlying values, it will make the decision-making process easier — not necessarily easy, just easier. All our decisions must take into account our underlying core values.

Our founding fathers expressed certain values at the birth of our nation. The application of those values was not perfect then, and it is not perfect now. But it remains our goal to strive toward such values. Here are some of my values, ones that I believe would result in the greatest growth of the human spirit and the human condition, when followed.

1. Equality: Every individual is of equal value and has the same rights of all other individuals and deserves to be treated with respect and human dignity.

2. Love: The foundational principle of all human interaction is love, care and compassion for each other. The greatest joy in life comes from service to, and care and love for others.

3. Freedom: Freedom allows all to pursue any course in their lives that will result in their own happiness and personal growth as well as the happiness and personal growth of others.

4. Personal Responsibility: Freedom requires personal responsibility. Without personal responsibility my actions very well may limit the freedom of others.

5. Pursuit of Virtue: It is the role of all men and women to grow in virtue and to live virtuous lives. Such lives give the individual and the community the greatest satisfaction, sense of wellbeing and personal esteem.

6. Truth: Truth, factual data and understanding, is essential for making good decisions. The discovery and application of truth is foundational for good living.

7. Industry: Growth, whether physical, emotional, educational, or spiritual only comes from effort: work. Without effort, growth and potential are stunted.

8. Governments: Governments are formed to provide services for the common good of ALL citizens and to formulate and implement policies and rules that allow for a smooth-functioning society. The government’s role is to create an environment for growth and to encourage that growth. All policies, rules, and laws must be carefully crafted to enhance the growth of the individual, never impede that growth, and to encourage all the other values of that society. Governments should never provide for the individual what the individual can provide for himself.


Gordon Johns
