Letter to the editor: Please join me in a return to actual values and end this Republican course now


Just what happened to our Republican Party? Our GOP candidates like Joe Kent are planning, and promising, to destroy democracy by muscling away constitutional rights. Even Dick Cheney has condemned Donald Trump and his devotees like Joe Kent.

Kindly take just a lollipop’s worth of time to research to see that Kent is following Trump’s lead by promising to divide the American people by rewarding the rich and ignoring real Americans who actually work for a living. Entering this congressional race, Kent has decided to be a Trump lapdog and subscribes to the un-American Project 2025, a thinly-veiled recipe for end times. Never forget that even the founders of Project 2025 actually promise tax cuts specifically for the wealthy and corporations, all while attacking the Bill of Rights. This is not Reagan’s America, and we are making it worse if we put someone like Joe Kent in power.

I was raised in Chehalis, right on Market Street. Security was never a concern — we didn’t even lock our doors. Although I never feared intruders as a kid, I now have great fear for our country at large. Fear to live in Joe Kent’s world, where he will represent the militant right-wing rather than his constituents. Any endorsement of a designated terrorist group, such as the Proud Boys, should be a disqualifier for office, but Kent still has the gall to show his face on the campaign trail. Seemingly, we eradicated Nazis during World War II; unfortunately, they are making a comeback and are shamelessly embracing our GOP, but Reagan would not have allowed this. Capital attack by our own people. Impeachment. Charges of sexual assault too numerous to list. Terrorist sympathizers.

Please join me in a return to actual values and end this course now, so we can return to Reagan Republicanism that did not exist solely on the lies of their representatives. Only we can demand better for our party by rejecting thugs and returning to Reagan Republicanism. So let us all tell Joe that we don’t want to live in a Kent State.


Richard O’Brien

Clark County