Letter to the editor: Lewis County will be blessed if Swope is reelected


For several decades, I prayed asking God to raise up godly men and women to lead our nation, and I have had the joy of seeing many capable young people step into leadership positions in our local communities. 

Sean Swope is a perfect example.  Our family knew Sean as we attended the same church when Sean and our children were young. Over the past four years, I have followed Sean’s service to Lewis County as a county commissioner, and I am very impressed with his commitment to protect children and our community and operate government services efficiently. Sean has repeatedly provided leadership where others would rather not risk criticism, and I have great admiration for local leaders who often take so much heat for their decisions.

Sean, I want to thank you and many others who step up to lead. I am very grateful for your sacrifice and willingness to lead. In addition, thank you for your kindness and offers to help me in any way possible over the past three years when my family experienced two great losses.  Your love and support have meant so much to us. Lewis County will be blessed if you are reelected county commissioner.


Debby Swecker
