Letter to the editor: Remember the 1990s when the LBGTQ community just wanted everyone to stay out of their bedrooms?


It looks like Lewis County's ideologically-obsessed LBGTQ Activist (Kyle Wheeler) has penned another Chronicle letter to the editor labeling anyone who disagrees with him, or the LBGTQ agenda, as Nazis, extremists, neonazis, etc.

Let me remind the Lewis County residents who ally with Mr. Wheeler and the LBGTQ movement that in today's America there is just one day to recognize and celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

Just one day.

Compare that with the following LBGTQ list: March 31, International Transgender Day of Visibility; April 6, Asexuality Day; April 26, International Lesbian Visibility Day; May 17; International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia; May 19, Agender Pride Day; May 22, Harvey Milk Day; May 24, Pansexual and Panromantic Visibility Day; June, Pride Month (the whole month); July 6, Omnisexual Visibility Day; July 11-17, Non-Binary Awareness Week; July 14, International Non-Binary Day; July 16, International Drag Day; Aug. 14: Gay Uncle Day; Sept. 16-22, Bisexual Awareness Week; Sept. 23, Bisexual Visibility Day; October, LGBT History Month; Oct. 11, National Coming Out Day; Oct. 20, International Pronoun Day; Oct. 24, Asexual Awareness Week; November, Trans Awareness Month; Nov. 6, Transgender Parent Day; Nov. 8, Intersex Day of Remembrance; Nov. 13-19, Trans Awareness Week; Nov. 20, Transgender Day of Remembrance; Dec. 8, Pansexual Pride month.

The list above is not just by happenstance either. It's purposeful and very well planned to divide Western Nations.

But according to Mr. Wheeler and the LBGTQ allies, if you oppose or push back against drag shows or Pride events, well, you're just a Nazi.

Remember the 1990s when the LBGTQ community just wanted everyone to stay out of their bedrooms? Those days are long gone.

Now you get their lifestyle shoved in your face 360 days a year.


Theodore Even
