Letter to the editor: Setting the record straight on Christian nationalism


Letter to the editor writer Linda Warren has chosen to link President Trump with the Christian nationalism movement.

From my research, the link is non-existent.

Based on recent attacks and legal proceedings, truth and the law seem irrelevant. And Ms. Warren, saying it doesn’t make it so. Further, what she attaches as the beliefs of Christian nationalism doesn’t always agree with what they say.

It is true that the movement is very far right, and they hold some very fundamental beliefs, but they are not violent as attributed by Ms. Warren. Every group has their outliers, the people way right of everybody else, or way left, but you can’t put their beliefs out there as what the entire group believes.

The progressive liberals are a far-left group, mostly represented by Obama, Biden, Clinton and Harris. They want bigger government, higher taxes, more government programs. They claim to support integration and want to tear down our economic institutions and rebuild them in a more inclusive society.

Yet, the progressive liberals are 84% white, non-Hispanic and wealthy. How is that representative of an inclusive society? And what makes their political view better and more important than President Trump who believes in less government and lower taxes?

And President Trump’s political agenda would make it easier for lower-income families to live. And as for the abortion issue that Ms. Warren speaks of, again, what makes her attitude the correct one? The idea of “reproductive rights” is questionable. Where does she get her information? Abortion on demand is law in most states. Roe vs. Wade and the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision didn’t change anything. They just sent the question back to the states where it belongs.

But the left blew it all out of proportion and lied about its implications. And there’s a conflict between that and other laws. For instance, if a pregnant woman is murdered, it can be considered and tried as two murders. And yet abortion for convenience is not? Which is it?

How about the U.S. Department of Education? President Trump wants to dismantle it. Frankly, I think it’s necessary. According to Snopes, more than half of Americans read below the sixth grade level, and the U.S. ranks 125th in literacy rate of 86% in the world, just behind Oman.

The Department of Education was created in 1979. In the last five years alone, they have spent nearly $1.9 trillion dollars. And yet we rank behind Oman in literacy?

Obviously, the department is not working in spite of its spending. As a previous manager of a wholesale distributor that gave a basic math, spelling and grammar test for employment, I know that our education system is lacking. I even had college graduates unable to get 70% on this test for an interview.

At the end of her letter, Ms. Warren says, “None of us will do so well under Trump.”

Looking at my living expenses, I would say that none of us have done very well under Biden, and Harris will be no better.


Bruce Peterson
