Letter to the Editor: Tracy Murphy Is a Kind Man Who Is Tough on Crime


Before Honor is Humility:

This isn’t just a campaign slogan, but fits with who Tracy Murphy is as a man, a Christian man.

Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself — it’s thinking of yourself less. In the 20 years I’ve known him, Tracy has been about serving others.

Is he a conservative? That’s an absurd question to the people that know him. He 100% is.

“But I saw him smiling, talking, shaking hands with, sitting down with a Democrat!” Yes, he’s not just a conservative, he’s also an adult.

Being able to communicate is a good thing. When you see people who may not agree on everything, having civil conversations, it’s called maturity. This is something that America could use more of, don’t you think?

As a conservative Christian, I have friends and family members who don’t believe the same as me. If I have conversations with them, laugh with them, listen to them. Does that make me less conservative?

I’m glad Tracy’s character is guided by the Bible and not political beliefs. This is what allows him to care for the individual where they are at, while staying true to who he is as a Christian.

I’m thankful that Tracy cares about people and listens to them, regardless of party affiliation, not just because that’s what the sheriff should do, but because that’s what we all should do.

Tracy is one of the good ones. He is genuine and real. Does that mean he will be soft on crime? Just the opposite. Have a conversation with him. It is possible to be tough and kind at the same time. Tracy is a great example of this.

Vote Tracy Murphy for sheriff.


Matt Briggs
