Tesla crashes into outdoor seating area of Thurston County business


A 45-year-old man, driving a white Tesla, crashed into an outdoor seating area Monday afternoon, according to Olympia police.

No one was injured, including the driver, Lt. Paul Lower said Tuesday.

About 1:30 p.m., the man was headed east on Harrison Avenue. Once in the 1800 block, police say he lost control of the vehicle and the following happened: he sideswiped a small passenger car, went off the road, crashed into a light pole and then plowed through the outdoor seating area at the Westside Tavern.

The driver was cited for reckless driving and driving at a speed too fast for the conditions, Lower said.

Police continue to investigate the crash and are following up with a number of witnesses who were driving by at the time of the crash and called 911, he said.

After seeing this story, the driver contacted The Olympian. His partner, Danielle Brenneis of Olympia, then spoke on his behalf to say that he suffered a medical event prior to the crash.

The man was headed east on Harrison when she says he received some unfortunate news via a phone notification, which caused an anxiety attack and may have triggered a seizure because he blacked out and lost consciousness, according to Brenneis. She says he blacked out for 25 to 60 seconds, then regained consciousness after people were banging on the vehicle following the crash.

Although he was medically cleared at the scene, he followed up with an on-call doctor later in the day who advised him to seek medical attention. That prompted a visit to the MultiCare Capital Medical Center emergency room, Brenneis said.

He is incredibly remorseful about what happened, she said, calling the tavern a place "near and dear to our hearts."

"Medically he is OK, but emotionally it will take some time," she said.

Meanwhile, the owners of the tavern have called on the community to support them, according to a Facebook post.

"We are so thankful no one was hurt and that everyone is safe," the post reads. "It was definitely a close one."

"Our summer patio season is without a doubt the busiest time of the year and without your support it could be a hard hit for our business. We are still open and will remain open. Come by, grab a beer and a burger and say hi to our incredible staff."

The organizer of the Best of Olympia Facebook page has responded with a "cashmob" event to support the business. That event is set for 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. this Friday.

"Even if you can't make it, please keep them in mind as they need our help," the Best of Olympia post reads.


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