Two Men Charged for Breaking Into Centralia Properties in July 


Two men accused of stealing $3,796 worth of items from a Lincoln Creek Road property in July are now facing felony burglary and theft charges in Lewis County Superior Court. 

Ryan L. Winings, 51, of Centralia, and Jeremiah E. Glenn, 35, of Chehalis, are accused of breaking the locks to a gate and a large container on an unoccupied Lincoln Creek Road property and stealing a total of 29 items, including a new trimmer and miscellaneous power tools, just after 9:20 a.m. on July 17. The two allegedly returned on July 18 and used bolt cutters to break the lock on a neighbor’s residence. 

The Lewis County Prosecutor’s Office filed second-degree burglary, second-degree theft and third-degree malicious mischief charges against Glenn and Winings on Oct. 11 and issued court summons notices on Oct. 14. 

Glenn had his preliminary appearance hearing on Oct. 24, where the judge allowed him to remain out of custody on $5,000 unsecured bail. Glenn pleaded not guilty to all charges on Oct. 27. 

Winnings had his preliminary appearance hearing on Nov. 1, where a judge set his bail at $10,000 unsecured. 

Winnings’ arraignment hearing is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 3.