Volleyball: Toledo Falls in Three to Hoquiam Despite Strong Third Set


TOLEDO — Toledo came alive in the third set and almost got one from their 1A opponent Hoquiam but in the end was dropped in their season opener by the Grizzlies 25-4, 25-15, 25-22 here on Tuesday night.

“I think it was good to face a tough opponent right out of the gate,” Toledo coach Emily Damschen said. “It showed where we were confidence-wise and that’s something we’re going to work on.”

Toledo started out slow but gradually got stronger before taking a four-point lead against the Grizzlies in the third set, before Hoquiam was able to knot things back up 17-17 and then hold on for the 3-point victory.

“By the time we settled in, we played more confidence, moved more on defense and took bigger swings on offense,” Damschen said in her first game as Toledo’s head coach.

Toledo’s Kayla Bauter led the team with three kills and a block, while Kyleigh Holmes also added a block and Keiona Trimmer notched an ace.

Toledo gets a week and a half off and will face Winlock in their C2BL opener, Sept. 22, on the Cardinals home floor.