Washington secretary of state verifies signatures for police pursuit initiative


The signatures for an initiative to give law enforcement the ability “to engage in a pursuit when there is a reasonable suspicion a person has violated the law” have been verified by the Secretary of State, officially putting the ball in the court of state legislators.

On Thursday, Secretary of State Steve Hobbs notified the Washington Legislature that the signatures for Initiative 2113 were verified and certified. The notification means legislators can either adopt the measure as written, reject or ignore the initiative, or adopt an alternative initiative.

"I-2113 enjoys broad and strong support across the state, transcending political and demographic lines. As the sponsor and author of I-2113, I've witnessed people signing petitions in favor of this initiative at various events, including the Splash Festival in Aberdeen, Go 4th! in Longview, the State Fair in Puyallup, house parties in Issaquah, churches in Yakima, Lincoln Day Dinners in Tri-Cities, and town hall meetings in Spokane. People understand the purpose of I-2113 and wholeheartedly support it,” Rep. Jim Walsh, R-Aberdeen, sponsor and author of the initiative, said in a statement Friday.

If the Legislature adopts an alternative initiative, both would appear on the November ballot. If the Legislature either rejects or ignores the initiative, the initiative will appear on the November ballot.

"I urge legislators in Olympia to stand with the people and endorse I-2113 without delay or hesitation. Let's pass it into law so that it can take effect immediately. Law enforcement officers, who support this positive reform, can then return to enforcing the law,” Walsh said. "The state Constitution explicitly states that the Legislature must prioritize initiatives over other business, a commendable directive. I call upon Washington House Speaker Laurie Jinkins and State Senate Leader Andy Billing to honor this constitutional mandate.”

In addition to Initiative 2113, five other initiatives to the Legislature are awaiting signature verification by the Secretary of State. According to Walsh, the initiative was signed by 400,000 people.

"I-2113 provides Olympia with an opportunity to make a tangible and positive impact on public safety. Legislative leaders don't need to consult with the outgoing governor on this matter — they can vote I-2113 into law without the governor's signature, making it immune to his veto. The outgoing governor is not a factor in this decision,” Walsh said.

The 2024 legislative session will end on March 7.