‘A Bit of Bad Luck’ Comes to Morton


When producers for the upcoming independent film “A Bit of Bad Luck” searched for a setting, they found what they were looking for in Morton.

Production Coordinator Jacob Leander said Morton will be a setting for the dark comedy and crews will begin shooting Sept. 19 for a month.

Morton Police Chief Dan Mortensen said the producers first contacted the Morton Chamber of Commerce then the police department because they were interested in the city’s old-fashioned jail cell.

Mortensen said he was told the movie will be a dark, contemporary, Alfred Hitchcock-style film.

“The jail was a location that the creative department folks liked and wanted to use,” Leander said.

The Seattle-based production company, A Bit of Bad Luck, LLC, will also shoot scenes in the Jubilee Arena and along Main Street in Morton, Leander said. Leander said the film crew will shoot in Seattle for the first week then about 60 cast and crew members will come to Morton for a month.

Leander could not yet confirm the cast, but said three cast members are coming from Los Angeles and 30 more are coming from around the Northwest.

Once crews arrived in Morton, Leander said the producers will be calling in about 30 local extras. Morton Mayor Jim Gerwig said parts of Main Street will be temporarily shut down for the filming.

The production company had to sign a liability agreement with the city and a permit with the Washington State Department of Transportation because filming will take place on state Route 508.

Gerwig said the city is not making money from being a setting, but the city will see a benefit from having more than 60 people in town for a month.

“The businesses around town will make some income,” Gerwig said.