Aberdeen Officer Injured After Being Dragged by Suspected DUI Vehicle


An Aberdeen Police Department officer was injured after being dragged by the vehicle of a suspected DUI driver in South Aberdeen on Tuesday morning.

Around 2 a.m., officers were given a description of a vehicle in South Aberdeen that appeared to be operated by a DUI driver. Responding officers located the vehicle driving a short time later and attempted a traffic stop on Market Street near F Street.

“During the contact with the driver, officers could smell intoxicants and the driver exhibited the effects of consuming alcohol,” read a police department statement. “Officers also observed alcohol in the vehicle.”

When officers told the driver he was under arrest, the subject attempted to start the vehicle. Officers attempted to remove the keys to prevent the intoxicated driver from fleeing, but were initially unable.

“An officer attempted to open the door to remove the driver and the driver rapidly accelerated as the officer hung on to the steering wheel. The car quickly completed two full circles across the roadway with the officer hanging out of the driver’s window,” read the police statement.

“The officer was unable to let go for fear of getting run over by the vehicle. The officer was able to get the car into neutral and attempted to pull the vehicle’s emergency brake as it came to rest as another officer blocked its path with a patrol car.”

The driver continued to attempt to accelerate as the officer was trying to get the keys out of the ignition. Another officer was able to break the front passenger window with his expandable baton and attempted to deploy a TASER. Two officers on the driver’s side were able to remove the driver and take him into custody.

The police statement said a search warrant was executed for the blood of the driver for processing of driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. One Aberdeen police officer was transported to Harbor Regional Health Community Hospital for treatment of minor injuries and was subsequently released. Another officer suffered minor abrasions and lacerations along with swelling.

The driver was booked into the city of Aberdeen Jail on charges of DUI, obstructing a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest. The suspect will be booked into the Grays Harbor County Jail for vehicular assault on the Aberdeen Police Officers.

The incident was captured on multiple nearby surveillance cameras.