Hitler Quote 'Slips Past' Kelso High School Yearbook Staff


The Kelso High School yearbook caught widespread attention on social media and led to a redaction Wednesday when students realized one of their peers quoted Adolf Hitler under his senior photo.

"It is not the truth that matters, but victory," the senior's quote reads, attributing it to Hitler.

School officials issued an apology to parents early Wednesday morning for the mistake, and the yearbook staff "will review our editing procedures" to prevent similar occurrences in the future, KHS yearbook adviser Megan Thomas said in a prepared statement Wednesday.

"On behalf of myself and the yearbook staff, I would like to sincerely apologize for the insensitive and inappropriate senior quotes we let slip pass our eyes," Thomas said. "There was no malicious or purposeful intent behind putting it in our book, and we did not catch our mistake until after books were handed out."

All the yearbooks have been printed, but officials will black out the quote in those that have yet to be handed out, district spokeswoman Michele Larsen told the Daily News Thursday. She said the Hitler quote is the "only one we've had complaints about" in the yearbook.

It was unclear Thursday whether there will be any punishment for the student who submitted the quote.

District officials are unable to comment on matters of student discipline, Larsen said.

The yearbook staff also came under fire on social media for misspelling the word "school" in the title of Kelso High on the front page of the book.

"Creating the yearbook is a large project worked on by many people. In the proofing process the misspelling of the word school on the first page wasn't caught," Larsen told news outlets Wednesday.