Letter to the editor: A local politician worthy of our respect


Our family has lived in Cowlitz and Lewis counties now for five generations. We've seen a lot of politicians come and go — good, bad and so-so.

County Commissioner Lindsey Pollock is one of the rare good ones.

Before she ran for office, Dr. Pollock was our family’s vet for years. You can tell a whole lot about someone by how they treat those with less power than them. Dr. Pollock has always been kind and compassionate but calm and firm during our vet visits — no pushover for critters (and now people) with bad attitudes.

She gets real work done for Lewis County residents. We can thank her for seeing improved internet access. She even went in front of the Washington state Legislature and, up against the powerful telecoms, testified to change the laws to get us all better internet.

Because of her, ToledoTel is installing new fiber cable in the south county. Don’t be fooled by all the politicians jumping in for the photo ops. Lindsey Pollock is the one who deserves most of the credit for improving the local internet.

Everyone’s talking about it now, but Commissioner Pollock had the foresight about our 911 system being in trouble. She applied for grant money for 911 improvements a few years back when the federal infrastructure funds were being shared out. In fact, she's the only one of our local politicians who got any federal infrastructure funds for Lewis County.

She has true ethics. She recused herself from the commissioners’ vote on the internet expansion, saying it wasn't ethical for her to vote on something she would personally benefit from (at her vet practice). Holy cow. These days, most politicians have no shame and belly up to the trough to stick their snouts in to get whatever they can for themselves and their buddies. Commissioner Pollock has the kind of old-fashioned values and good character that we used to expect from politicians. She seems to be one of the only ones out there anymore who does.

She’s willing to take the heat for standing up for what’s right. She’s caught all sorts of grief from other Republicans for trying to get information for Lewis County folks about the hydrogen hub project. (Yep, the ones with their snouts in the trough.)

She also had the decency and the guts to stand up to the local Republican Party, which has become mean to the core, for its disgusting behavior at the pride event last year. This same party that embraced and elevated a true low-life like Roger Morningstar had the nerve to censure Commissioner Pollock.


Commissioner Pollock is as decent as they come, has her heart in the right place, knows how to roll up her sleeves to get things done, and genuinely cares about improving people's lives in Lewis County.

Commissioner Pollock has earned our respect and will have our votes. We just wish there were more like her in today’s politics.


David and Laura Branscomb
